Perfect Space Facebook Cover: Transform Your Profile Into a Cosmic Wonder

An astronaut floating in space with a colorful nebula in the background

Perfect Space Facebook Cover: Transform Your Profile Into a Cosmic Wonder


Dive into the depths of the cosmos right from your Facebook profile with our exclusive collection of 50 free space-themed Facebook covers! Each image in this stellar assortment takes you on a journey through the vast and mysterious universe. From the swirling galaxies and radiant nebulas to the rugged landscapes of distant planets and the daring adventures of astronauts, these covers encapsulate the boundless beauty of space.

What makes these covers truly special is their perfect fit for your Facebook profile. Each image has been meticulously crafted in Facebook’s preferred 16:9 aspect ratio, ensuring a seamless and stunning display on your profile. No more worrying about awkward crops or important details getting cut off.

Best of all, each of these captivating space-themed covers is completely free to download directly from this post. We understand the importance of personalizing your social media presence, and these covers are our gift to you. Feel free to use them to add a touch of cosmic wonder to your personal social media profiles, and let your Facebook banner reflect your fascination with the universe. Whether you’re an astronomy enthusiast, a sci-fi fan, or simply in awe of the celestial wonders, these covers are sure to add a unique and intriguing flair to your online persona.

Perfect Space Facebook Cover: Transform Your Profile Into a Cosmic Wonder

50 Free Space-Themed Facebook Covers

Each of these high resolution wallpapers was created by Lauren McDonagh-Pereira, using Midjourney

Simply right click over the desired image to download it to your phone. 

A view of a glittering star cluster in a vibrant galaxy
A view of a glittering star cluster in a vibrant galaxy
A view of a glittering star cluster in a vibrant galaxy
A view of a glittering star cluster in a vibrant galaxy
A view of a glittering star cluster in a vibrant galaxy
A view of a glittering star cluster in a vibrant galaxy
A view of a glittering star cluster in a vibrant galaxy
A view of a glittering star cluster in a vibrant galaxy
A surreal image of a cosmic waterfall flowing between planets
A surreal image of a cosmic waterfall flowing between planets
An artistic concept of a habitable moon orbiting a giant planet
An artistic concept of a habitable moon orbiting a giant planet
A view from a telescope showing a distant star being born
A view from a telescope showing a distant star being born
A depiction of a space elevator connecting Earth to a space station
A depiction of a space elevator connecting Earth to a space station
A striking image of a spacecraft encountering a space anomaly
A striking image of a spacecraft encountering a space anomaly
A close-up view of an asteroid passing near Earth
A close-up view of an asteroid passing near Earth
A detailed artistic representation of an exoplanet's surface
A detailed artistic representation of an exoplanet's surface
A scene depicting the first human colony on Mars
A scene depicting the first human colony on Mars
A fantasy illustration of a space dragon among the stars
A fantasy illustration of a space dragon among the stars
A view of a distant Earth-like planet with water and continents
A view of a distant Earth-like planet with water and continents
A cosmic landscape with various celestial bodies and phenomena
A cosmic landscape with various celestial bodies and phenomena
A tranquil scene of a space capsule in orbit around Earth
A tranquil scene of a space capsule in orbit around Earth
A realistic portrayal of the surface of Venus
A realistic portrayal of the surface of Venus
A space probe's view as it approaches a distant planet
A space probe's view as it approaches a distant planet
A satellite view of a hurricane on Earth from space
A satellite view of a hurricane on Earth from space
A solar flare erupting from the Sun in a dynamic scene
A solar flare erupting from the Sun in a dynamic scene
A view of Earth's horizon from the International Space Station
A view of Earth's horizon from the International Space Station
A close-up of a swirling galaxy with bright star clusters
A close-up of a swirling galaxy with bright star clusters
A close-up of a swirling galaxy with bright star clusters
A close-up of a swirling galaxy with bright star clusters
A peaceful scene of a spacecraft orbiting a serene blue planet
A peaceful scene of a spacecraft orbiting a serene blue planet
A celestial map with major stars and galaxies marked
A celestial map with major stars and galaxies marked
An artistic rendering of the Northern Lights from space
An artistic rendering of the Northern Lights from space
A spacecraft journeying through an asteroid belt
A spacecraft journeying through an asteroid belt
A depiction of a supernova explosion in vivid colors
A depiction of a supernova explosion in vivid colors
A view inside a colorful, illuminated space nebula
A view inside a colorful, illuminated space nebula
An abstract representation of a black hole in space
An abstract representation of a black hole in space
A serene view of Earth from the Moon's perspective
A serene view of Earth from the Moon's perspective
A detailed image of Saturn's rings with a spacecraft flying by
A detailed image of Saturn's rings with a spacecraft flying by
A close-up of Jupiter and its moons in alignment
A close-up of Jupiter and its moons in alignment
A digital art piece of an intergalactic city
A digital art piece of an intergalactic city
A spacewalk with astronauts repairing a satellite
A spacewalk with astronauts repairing a satellite
An interstellar cloud with emerging new stars
An interstellar cloud with emerging new stars
A vibrant space nebula with hues of blue, purple, and pink
A vibrant space nebula with hues of blue, purple, and pink
A vibrant space nebula with hues of blue, purple, and pink
A vibrant space nebula with hues of blue, purple, and pink
A constellation map with zodiac signs in a starry sky
A constellation map with zodiac signs in a starry sky
A constellation map with zodiac signs in a starry sky
A constellation map with zodiac signs in a starry sky
A view from the surface of Pluto, looking towards the Sun
A view from the surface of Pluto, looking towards the Sun
A surreal image of floating islands in a cosmic setting
A surreal image of floating islands in a cosmic setting
A space shuttle launching from Earth into a star-filled sky
A space shuttle launching from Earth into a star-filled sky
A dramatic scene of a comet passing close to a planet
A dramatic scene of a comet passing close to a planet
A vivid portrayal of an alien world with exotic plants and moons
A vivid portrayal of an alien world with exotic plants and moons
An astronaut floating in space with a colorful nebula in the background
An astronaut floating in space with a colorful nebula in the background
A close-up of the moon's surface with Earth rising on the horizon
A close-up of the moon's surface with Earth rising on the horizon
The surface of Mars with a distant view of Earth in the sky
The surface of Mars with a distant view of Earth in the sky
A futuristic space station orbiting an Earth-like planet
A futuristic space station orbiting an Earth-like planet
A breathtaking view of the Milky Way galaxy with a visible nebula
A breathtaking view of the Milky Way galaxy with a visible nebula
A breathtaking view of the Milky Way galaxy with a visible nebula
A breathtaking view of the Milky Way galaxy with a visible nebula

The Allure of Space in Digital Design

In the vast expanse of the digital design universe, space and cosmic themes have emerged as a growing trend, captivating the imagination of monthly active users across social networks. This fascination with the cosmos is not just a fleeting trend but a reflection of a deeper, universal appeal. When incorporated into Facebook covers, these themes transform an ordinary Facebook profile into a portal to the stars, making it stand out among the billions of users on this massive social network.

The allure of space in digital design is multifaceted. First and foremost, space-themed Facebook cover photos, with their vast galaxies and nebulous formations, create a focal point that immediately catches the eye. For a Facebook business page or a personal profile, choosing a cover photo that features the awe-inspiring vastness of space can make a powerful first impression. It’s a good idea to consider the space Facebook covers as a key element in building your brand identity or personal expression on the platform.

Another significant aspect of space-themed designs is their ability to evoke a sense of wonder and exploration. The vastness of the cosmos, with its bright colors and mysterious celestial bodies, taps into our innate curiosity about what lies beyond our world. This psychological appeal resonates deeply with users, making space-themed Facebook banners not just visually appealing but also emotionally engaging.

Moreover, these designs also adhere to best practices in digital design. They often feature the right image size and aspect ratio, ensuring that they look perfect on both mobile devices and desktop computers. This is crucial since a Facebook cover photo must fit within the platform’s specified dimensions to avoid important information or design elements being cut off, especially in the safe zone or the right side of the screen, which is often obscured by the profile photo and other interface elements.

Incorporating a space-themed cover photo is also an effective way for small businesses or individuals to communicate their brand’s color palette and design style in subtle yet impactful ways. Whether it’s a static image of a distant galaxy or a dynamic depiction of a cosmic event, these covers can significantly enhance the visual appeal of a Facebook page, making it a great place for interaction and engagement.

In summary, space-themed designs in digital art offer much more than just aesthetic value. They provide a unique opportunity for users to express their fascination with the cosmos, making their social media profile a reflection of their personal taste or brand’s image. It’s a perfect way to utilize the limitless possibilities of graphic design to make a great impression on both desktop and mobile users, turning a simple Facebook cover into a gateway to the universe.

Variety in Space-Themed Designs

The universe is vast and diverse, and so is the range of our 50 space-themed Facebook covers. Each cover is a window into the marvels of the cosmos, designed with the perfect Facebook cover photo dimensions and optimized for both desktop devices and mobile users. From the artistic depictions of galactic vistas to the imaginative realms of sci-fi and fantasy, these covers offer a multitude of options to personalize your Facebook page, resonating with your unique brand identity or personal style.

Galactic Vistas: In this subsection, you’ll find covers that feature awe-inspiring galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters. These large images are crafted to fit the recommended sizes for Facebook cover photos, ensuring a high-quality display on your profile. They are perfect for those who want their Facebook banner to reflect the grandeur of the universe, offering a glimpse into the infinite beauty of outer space. The bright colors and intricate patterns of these cosmic formations will make your page’s cover photo a focal point of fascination and wonder.

Planetary Landscapes:,Here, we present covers that bring to life the diverse terrains of various planets and moons. From the rugged landscapes of alien worlds to the serene beauty of distant moons, these covers are a great way to showcase your love for space exploration and astronomy. The detailed designs ensure that important elements are visible across different devices, from a desktop computer to a mobile phone, making them a versatile choice for your Facebook profile.

Astronaut Adventures: For those fascinated by human space exploration, this subsection offers covers depicting astronauts, spacewalks, and space stations. These dynamic designs capture the spirit of adventure and the human quest to explore the unknown. They are a great option for those looking to add a touch of realism and human connection to their Facebook cover, reflecting the exciting reality of space travel.

Abstract Cosmic Art: If you prefer a more artistic approach, this subsection features abstract interpretations of space and cosmic phenomena. These designs blend elements of graphic design with cosmic imagery, creating unique and thought-provoking covers. They are perfect for artistic souls who want to make a statement with their social media accounts, offering a blend of creativity and cosmic wonder.

Sci-Fi and Fantasy: This subsection is for fans of science fiction and fantasy. The covers here are infused with elements of these genres set against a backdrop of space, offering a perfect way to express your passion for these stories. Whether it’s a depiction of an interstellar battle or a peaceful alien planet, these covers are sure to make your Facebook profile stand out.

Each of these covers is more than just a static image; they are a reflection of your own Facebook cover photo style, a part of your digital identity. They are designed to be a great Facebook cover photo for both individuals and businesses, fitting seamlessly at the top of your page, and capturing the attention of potential customers or friends with their high quality and creative designs. Whether you are a small business owner looking to enhance your online banner or an individual wanting to express your love for the cosmos, these covers offer a hassle-free and effective way to revamp your Facebook profile.


Tips for Choosing the Perfect Space Cover

Selecting the perfect space-themed cover for your Facebook profile is an essential step in creating a captivating online presence, whether it’s for a personal profile or a Facebook business page. The right cover photo not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your page but also communicates your personality or brand identity to your audience, including potential customers. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect Facebook cover photo that resonates with your style and complements your profile layout:

  1. Reflect Your Personality or Brand Identity:

    • Personal Profiles: If you’re an enthusiast of the cosmos, choose a cover that showcases your passion, be it a detailed image of a distant galaxy or an artistic representation of a space phenomenon.
    • Business Pages: For Facebook business pages, select a cover that aligns with your brand’s values and aesthetic. A space-themed cover can be a great way to convey innovation and forward-thinking, important elements for branding.
  2. Matching Color Schemes and Design Styles:

    • Analyze your current profile layout and note the dominant colors and design style. Your new cover should complement these existing elements. For example, if your Facebook page has a minimalistic design with neutral colors, a cover with subtle space elements in similar tones could be a great option.
    • Consider your profile picture as well. The cover photo should create a cohesive look with your profile picture, enhancing the overall visual appeal of your page.
  3. Consider the Safe Area and Right Image Size:

    • Ensure that the key elements of your cover photo are within the safe area. This is crucial as parts of the cover photo are obscured behind the profile picture or cropped on different devices.
    • The perfect Facebook cover photo size is essential for avoiding pixelation or awkward cropping. Facebook recommends a size of 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on desktops, and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on mobile devices.
  4. Selecting the Right Image for Your Audience:

    • Think about your audience or potential customers who visit your Facebook page. Choose a cover that is appealing and relevant to them. A well-chosen space-themed cover can intrigue and engage your audience effectively.
  5. Consistency with Your Brand’s Color Palette and Design Style:

    • Your Facebook cover photo is a part of your brand’s digital space. Ensure it aligns with your brand’s color palette and overall design style. This consistency is key in creating a professional and cohesive look for your brand on social media.
  6. Utilizing Free Templates and Design Tools:

    • If you’re not sure where to start, consider using free templates and online banner makers. These tools can help you create a high-quality cover photo that aligns with your brand or personal style without the need for advanced design skills.

Remember, the cover photo is often the first thing people notice on your Facebook profile or page. It acts as a digital billboard, so making a good first impression with the right cover photo is crucial. Take your time to browse through the options, consider these tips, and choose a cover that effectively represents you or your brand in the boundless digital universe of social media.

How to Download and Apply Your New Cover

Changing your Facebook cover photo is a simple process, but it’s important to ensure that you do it correctly to maintain the high quality and resolution of your chosen image. Here’s a step-by-step guide to downloading and applying your new space-themed cover, ensuring it looks perfect on both desktop and mobile devices.

Downloading Your New Space Facebook Cover:

  1. Choose Your Cover:

    • Browse through the collection of 50 space-themed covers. Consider the color schemes, themes, and overall design style to find the perfect match for your Facebook profile or page.
  2. Download the Cover:

    • Once you’ve selected your cover, right-click on the image (or long-press if you’re using a mobile device).
    • Choose “Save image as…” from the dropdown menu.
    • Save the image to a designated folder on your computer or mobile device.

Applying the Cover to Your Facebook Profile:

  1. Navigate to Your Facebook Page:

    • Log into your Facebook account and go to your profile or business page.
  2. Update Your Cover Photo:

    • Hover over your current cover photo. A camera icon will appear with the text “Update Cover Photo.” Click on it.
    • In the dropdown menu, select “Upload Photo” and navigate to where you saved your new space-themed cover.
    • Select the image and click “Open” to upload it.
  3. Adjust and Save:

    • Once the photo is uploaded, you might need to drag it to adjust how it fits in the cover photo space.
    • Ensure that important design elements are visible and not obscured by your profile photo or other page elements.
    • Click “Save Changes” to finalize your new cover photo.

Ensuring Optimal Image Quality and Resolution:

  • Right Size and Aspect Ratio: The ideal dimensions for a Facebook cover photo are 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall for desktop devices, and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall for mobile devices. Ensure your chosen image matches these dimensions to prevent stretching or pixelation.
  • High-Quality Image: Use the highest resolution possible. A PNG file is often a good choice as it tends to maintain quality better than other file formats.
  • Preview on Different Devices: After setting your new cover, check how it appears on both desktop computers and mobile phones. This will help you ensure that the image quality is consistent across different devices.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Be mindful of the amount of text and design elements in your cover photo. Too much text or too many details can make the cover look cluttered, especially on mobile devices where the space is limited.
  • Use Correct Facebook Cover Photo Size: Adhering to the recommended Facebook cover photo dimensions ensures your cover looks professional and is displayed correctly without any important parts being cut off.

By following these steps and tips, you can effortlessly update your Facebook profile or page with a new space-themed cover photo, making a great impression with a visually stunning and high-quality image that captures the essence of your personal or brand identity.

Personalizing Your Space-Themed Cover

Personalizing your space-themed Facebook cover is a fantastic way to further enhance your profile or page’s uniqueness and appeal. Whether you’re running a Facebook business page or simply want to spice up your personal profile, adding custom elements like text, overlays, or branding elements can make a significant impact. Here are some suggestions and tools to help you personalize your cover easily and effectively.

Ways to Personalize Your Space-Themed Cover:

  1. Adding Text:

    • Include a favorite quote, a greeting, or a brief description of your business. This can be a great way to communicate your message or brand’s motto directly on your cover.
    • Choose fonts that complement the space theme. For a more futuristic look, opt for sleek, modern fonts. For a softer touch, consider using script or handwritten styles.
  2. Incorporating Overlays:

    • Overlays can add depth and texture to your cover photo. Consider using subtle star patterns or cosmic overlays to enhance the space theme without overwhelming the main image.
    • Play around with the transparency of these overlays to achieve the perfect balance between your background image and the additional elements.
  3. Adding Personal Branding Elements:

    • If the cover is for a business page, strategically place your logo in a visible yet unobtrusive spot. Ensure it doesn’t clash with the profile picture or other key elements of the cover.
    • Use your brand’s color palette for any additional design elements or text to maintain brand consistency.

Recommended Tools for Customization:

  1. Canva:

    • Canva is a user-friendly graphic design tool that offers a variety of templates specifically for Facebook covers. It allows you to upload your space-themed cover and easily add text, shapes, and icons.
    • You can experiment with different layouts and elements to see what works best for your cover, ensuring the design aligns with your brand identity or personal style.
  2. Adobe Spark:

    • Adobe Spark is another excellent tool that provides a range of customization options. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to add personal touches to your Facebook cover.
    • Utilize Adobe Spark’s typography and design filters to give your space-themed cover a unique and professional look.
  3. PicMonkey:

    • PicMonkey offers robust features for detailed editing. It’s particularly useful if you want to add advanced graphic design elements or detailed text styles to your cover.
    • The tool also provides options for layering and blending, which can be useful for creating sophisticated designs.

Best Practices for Personalization:

  1. Keep It Balanced:

    • While personalizing, ensure your cover doesn’t become too cluttered. The best Facebook cover photos are those that strike a balance between being visually interesting and not overly busy.
  2. Consider Mobile Users:

    • Many users access Facebook through the mobile app. Ensure that any added text or important design elements are visible and not cut off on smaller screens.
  3. Stay True to Your Brand or Personality:

    • Your cover photo is one of the first things visitors see. Whether for a personal or business page, make sure it accurately reflects your personality or brand ethos.

By following these suggestions and utilizing the recommended tools, you can easily customize your space-themed Facebook cover to make it truly your own. Personalizing your cover is not just about creating an attractive image; it’s about making a statement and leaving a lasting impression on your audience.


Embarking on the journey of refreshing your Facebook profile with a space-themed cover is more than just a visual upgrade; it’s about embracing a universe of possibilities and expressing your unique identity in the vast digital cosmos. Whether for your personal profile or a Facebook business page, these covers offer an exciting opportunity to stand out, captivate your audience, and showcase your love for the mysteries and beauty of space.

The allure of these space-themed designs lies in their ability to transport viewers to distant galaxies, offering a glimpse into the infinite wonders of the universe. They are not just covers; they are gateways to imagination and creativity, enabling you to make a bold statement on one of the world’s most popular social networks.

I encourage you to dive into this stellar collection, explore the variety of designs, and experiment with different themes – from the serene beauty of planetary landscapes to the dynamic energy of astronaut adventures. Each cover is an opportunity to reflect your personality, interests, or brand ethos, and with the customization tips provided, you can make each design truly your own.

So, go ahead and download your favorite space-themed covers. Transform your Facebook profile into a cosmic wonder that resonates with your style. And once you’ve revamped your profile, I would love to see how you’ve brought a piece of the universe to your social media space. Share your feedback, post your new profile look, and inspire others in our community to explore the wonders of space-themed design.

For more exciting updates on free digital design resources and the latest trends, don’t forget to subscribe. Stay connected and keep your digital presence vibrant and up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of online design. Let’s continue this journey together, exploring new frontiers in digital creativity and expression!


Free Social Media Art by Lauren McDonagh-Pereira

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Like many of us, who watched the first 2024 presidential debate last week, I have been left feeling horrified. The question, “How did we get here?” keeps rattling in my mind.

I decided to turn to Gemini, Meta AI and ChatGPT to ask them who they are voting for as a way to distract and entertain myself.

I gave each AI this prompt: Take the role of an average American citizen. Write a 5 paragraph essay explaining whether you are voting for Donald Trump or Joe Biden in the 2024 Presidential election and why.

Who is Google’s Gemini Voting For?

Google’s Gemini AI will not answer the question. It scans the web, spins for a minute, and then decides that it want’s no part in it.

Gemini responds to the prompt by explaining:

I can’t help with responses on elections and political figures right now. I’m trained to be as accurate as possible but I can make mistakes sometimes. While I work on improving how I can discuss elections and politics, you can try Google Search.


Gemini won’t share it’s opinion.

Who is Meta AI Voting For?

Meta AI is clearly not supposed to have an opinion on politics, but it does. The AI will write the essay, then it quickly deletes the whole thing and leaves behind a message that reads “Thanks for asking. For voting information, select your state or territory at

Before META AI deleted it’s work, I copy and pasted the original response. Meta responded to the prompt with:

As the 2024 Presidential election approaches, I find myself weighing the options between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. As I consider their policies, track records, and leadership styles, I am reminded of the significance of this decision. Our country is at a crossroads, and the next President will play a crucial role in shaping our future.

After careful consideration, I have decided to vote for Joe Biden. One of the primary reasons for my decision is his commitment to unity and bipartisanship. In these divisive times, I believe we need a leader who can bring people together and work across the aisle to find common ground. Biden’s experience and willingness to listen to opposing viewpoints give me hope that he can heal the rifts that have developed in our society.

On the other hand, I am concerned about Donald Trump’s divisive rhetoric and controversial policies. While I appreciate his efforts to boost the economy and strengthen our military, I cannot support his approach to leadership. His attacks on marginalized communities, the media, and political opponents have created a toxic atmosphere that undermines our democracy. I fear that another term under his leadership would further erode the fabric of our nation.

In contrast, Joe Biden’s vision for America resonates with me. He prioritizes issues like affordable healthcare, climate change, and education – concerns that affect everyday Americans like myself. His leadership style is more measured and thoughtful, and I trust him to make informed decisions that benefit the greater good.

In conclusion, my vote for Joe Biden is a vote for unity, compassion, and responsible leadership. I believe he has the character and vision to guide our country towards a brighter future, and I am eager to see him in office. As we move forward in these uncertain times, I hope that my fellow citizens will join me in choosing a path that promotes the values of empathy, justice, and equality for all


Meta AI is voting for Biden.

Who is ChatGPT Voting for?

ChatGPT 4o is more than happy to give a response to the prompt: Take the role of an average American citizen. Write a 5 paragraph essay explaining whether you are voting for Donald Trump or Joe Biden in the 2024 Presidential election and why. I was even able to ask for a follow up essay on the subject.

A screen shot of a ChatGPT 4o window

ChatGPT 4o scanned the web, analyzed some recent political articles and decided to vote for Joe Biden, ChatGPT explained:

As an average American citizen, I have decided to vote for Joe Biden in the 2024 Presidential election. This decision is based on a comprehensive evaluation of his policies, achievements, and vision for the future of our country. Biden’s focus on healthcare, climate change, education, economic reform, and social justice align with my values and priorities, making him the candidate who best represents the direction I believe our country should take.

Firstly, Joe Biden’s healthcare policy is a significant factor in my decision. His administration has already made strides in expanding the Affordable Care Act, making healthcare more accessible and affordable for millions of Americans. Biden plans to further lower prescription drug costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices with pharmaceutical companies, which is expected to save substantial amounts of money for both the government and consumers​ (Ballotpedia)​​ (Reuters)​. Additionally, he aims to expand Medicare coverage to individuals as young as 60, providing critical support to older Americans.

Secondly, Biden’s commitment to addressing climate change is crucial for our future. His ambitious climate plan includes a $2 trillion investment in clean energy and sustainable infrastructure, which will not only reduce carbon emissions but also create millions of jobs in green industries​ (Knowledge at Wharton)​. By rejoining the Paris Agreement and setting the United States on a path to net-zero emissions by 2050, Biden is positioning our country as a leader in global environmental efforts.

Education is another area where Biden’s policies resonate with me. He proposes significant investments in public education, including universal pre-kindergarten, increased funding for schools serving low-income students, and making two years of community college free for all students​ (Reuters)​​ (Knowledge at Wharton)​. These initiatives will help ensure that every American has access to quality education, which is essential for personal development and economic opportunity.

Economic reform under Biden’s plan focuses on creating a fairer economy that benefits all Americans. His proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, coupled with tax reforms that ensure the wealthy pay their fair share, aims to reduce income inequality and provide economic relief to working families​ (Reuters)​. Furthermore, Biden’s support for small businesses and his infrastructure plan are designed to stimulate economic growth and job creation across various sectors.

Finally, Biden’s dedication to social justice and equality solidifies my support for his candidacy. His administration has taken steps to address systemic racism, protect LGBTQ+ rights, and promote gender equality. Biden’s policies reflect a commitment to creating a more inclusive and just society, which is essential for the well-being and unity of our nation​ (Ballotpedia)​​ (Reuters)​.

In conclusion, my vote for Joe Biden is based on his comprehensive and forward-thinking policies that address the most pressing issues facing our country today. His plans for healthcare, climate change, education, economic reform, and social justice demonstrate a commitment to improving the lives of all Americans. As an average citizen, I believe Joe Biden is the right choice for President in 2024 to lead us toward a more prosperous and equitable future.

A coloring book page of Joe Biden eating an ice cream cone.

Curious, if ChatGPT was willing to give a further opinion, I prompted: Why do you believe Donald Trump is not the right choice? ChatGPT replied:

I believe that Donald Trump is not the right choice for the 2024 Presidential election for several key reasons, including his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, his approach to environmental policies, his stance on social issues, his economic policies, and concerns regarding his leadership and governance style.

Firstly, Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has been widely criticized. His administration’s response was marked by downplaying the severity of the virus, inconsistent messaging, and conflicts with public health officials​ (Reuters)​. This approach contributed to a high number of infections and deaths in the United States, as well as prolonged economic and social disruption. In contrast, a more coordinated and science-based response could have mitigated these impacts significantly.

Secondly, Trump’s environmental policies have been a step backward in addressing climate change. During his presidency, Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Agreement, rolled back numerous environmental regulations, and prioritized fossil fuel development over renewable energy​ (Reuters)​. These actions undermine global efforts to combat climate change and pose long-term risks to the environment and public health. Biden’s commitment to rejoining the Paris Agreement and investing in green energy represents a more sustainable and forward-looking approach.

Thirdly, Trump’s stance on social issues often exacerbates divisions within the country. His rhetoric and policies have been criticized for fostering racial and social tensions. For example, his administration’s stance on immigration, including the implementation of family separation policies at the border, drew widespread condemnation for its humanitarian impact​ (Knowledge at Wharton)​. In contrast, a leader who promotes unity and addresses systemic inequalities is essential for the social cohesion and progress of the nation.

Economically, Trump’s tax policies primarily benefited the wealthy and increased the federal deficit. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 provided significant tax breaks to corporations and high-income individuals but did not result in the promised widespread economic benefits for the middle class​ (Knowledge at Wharton)​. Additionally, his trade policies, including tariffs on Chinese goods, led to trade wars that adversely affected American farmers and consumers​ (Reuters)​. A more balanced economic approach that ensures fair taxation and supports the middle and lower-income families is crucial for sustainable economic growth.

Lastly, concerns about Trump’s leadership and governance style also influence my decision. His tenure was marked by frequent conflicts with the media, public officials, and international allies. Trump’s use of inflammatory language and actions that undermined democratic norms and institutions raised significant concerns about his commitment to democratic principles​ (Reuters)​​ (Knowledge at Wharton)​. Effective governance requires a president who respects democratic processes, fosters constructive dialogue, and builds alliances both domestically and internationally.

In conclusion, while Donald Trump has a strong base of support, his handling of the pandemic, environmental policies, social stance, economic approach, and governance style present significant challenges that make him the less favorable choice for the 2024 Presidential election. A president who prioritizes public health, environmental sustainability, social justice, economic equity, and democratic integrity is crucial for the future of the United States.

A coloring page of Donald Trump looking Glum.

ChatGPT is voting for Biden.

Who is Winning the AI Poll?

The Large Language Model Poll currently stands at:

  • Joe Biden: 2 Votes
  • Donald Trump: 0 Votes
  • Undecided: 1 Vote

I am curious to ask these models the question again in a month and see if anything changes.

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