Tezos Tuesday Community Showcase (February 7, 2023)

A black and white cell phone shot of a concert. Overlay text reads "Tezos Tuesday Community Showcase" Cartoon hearts are laid over the top.

Tezos Tuesday Community SHOWCASE

25 Lovely PIECES OF NFT ART - Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Welcome to week 6 of the Tezos Tuesday Community Showcase on NFTARTWITHLAUREN.COM!

Each week, I reach out to the amazing Tezos artist community on Twitter to bring you the latest NFT pieces to highlight the diverse and wonderful art that has been minted on my favorite blockchain. 

Thank you to each artist who participated in this week’s thread! 

Please read my quick disclaimer, and then we will get into this week’s art!


Before we get into it, please consider a few quick DISCLAIMERS.

I am not a financial advisor, an art expert, a lawyer, or an accountant. Always do your own research before purchasing NFTs and never spend money that you cannot afford to spend. 

This post represents my personal opinions and is NOT financial advice.

I am an NFT artist. At the time of posting, I have works minted on the Tezos and Ethereum blockchains. Links contained in this article may point to my own minted NFTs or may point to the NFTs of other artists that I have collected from. If you choose to collect NFTs referenced in this article, I may earn money from your purchase.

A red stop sign against a blue sky, with a red rocks on either side

Tezos Tuesday Community Showcase - February 7, 2023

Nata’s piece captures the simple love between a parent and a child.

Notice how the baby holds on to her father’s shoulder and trusts that she will be safe as they explore together. 

I love the way that Marta combine bilingual poetry with digital illustrations.

Her work carries the familiar comfort of picture books read in childhood with the profound themes of the big questions in life.  She provides a safe space for the reader to ponder their own existence. 

Nite Owl’s digital owl illustrations always delight me.

I admire the clean lines and crisp style paired with the adorable owl characters. 

22. "Intertwined" by WeirdScience80 (@WeirdScience8_0)

I love this piece of digital art. I imagine that two creation gods are coming together to birth a new universe. 

21. "Unlock My Heart and Soul" by Roots of Vanadis (@RootsOfVandis)

This digital art portrait has created a compelling character. She reminds me of a fairy princess with a secret to tell. 

20. "Starry Night" by Henas (@MinaAbbasi84)

Henas created an intriguing digital homage to Van Gogh’s Starry Night. The resulting image looks like it was cross-stitched on cloth. 

19. "A Piece of Us" by Anne (@archeustaquio)

Anne’s photograph creates a sense of longing as I look upon the lonely leaf on an empty bench.

18. "Love Your" by Photo Artist (@JayJay_92)

Photo Artist captured the theme of love with this romantic piece of digital art. 

17. "Unify" by Sue (@Sueartens)

Sue’s black and white image that obscures the faces of the couple creates a scene that allows me to focus on the moment of intimate connection that these two women share. 

16. "My One and Only" by Vanessa Van Mel (@MissVanMel)

Vanessa uses AI art to create a digital art piece that tells a story. I can imagine the epic adventures that these two angelic characters had to endure in able to come together. 

15. "Can You Help Me" by Kitsu Sun (@KitsuSun)

Kitsu Sun’s portrait feels so intimate. The subject needs help zipping up her dress, and has turned around to vulnerably ask for assistance. 

14. "My One and Only" by Sally Sharifi (@Sallysharifi)

Sally created a story-telling image when she captured a couple enjoying a stolen moment on a rooftop. 

13. "Memories" by Alphan Yilmazmaden (@AYilmazmaden)

Alphan captured a wonderful scene. I can’t help but chuckle at the man on the left trying hard to ignore the young couple who are lost in their passion for each other. 

12. "Weesperzijde" by Maarten Steunenberg (@mSteunenberg)

The simplicity of the image draws me into this scene. I am able to focus on the people taking a winter’s stroll and wonder about their lives. 

11. "From the Middle" by Nana Hank (@nanahanketh)

Nana Hank has presented a wonderfully detailed drawing of a woman lost in despair, trying to reclaim her center. 

10. "Crazy" by Sahar (@saharrococo)

Sahar’s physical painting makes me feel lost.

I can relate to the figure, having had many dark and confusing thoughts swirling together in a jumble through my head many times in the past. 

9. "Heart" by Tatiana Eremenko (@FetishYourBody)

Tatiana is a newcomer to the NFT space, and she is absolutely bringing the fire.

Her compelling work combines top notch photography with erotic themes to explore the more sensual side of human nature. 

8. "Into the Wild #2" by Erfan Sam (@Erfan_Samanfar)

This is a spectacular image by Erfan Sam. 

It’s a beautiful landscape, filled with interesting wildlife, and a fun action portrait of a woman enjoying her visit.

It’s the kind of image that makes me want to pack a suitcase and head out to explore. 

7. "Cob and Pen Till The End" by Phos³ Images (@_phos3)

I am a sucker for swan photography. Mute swans mate for life.

In this shot Phos³ beautifully captured the love shared between this pair. 

6. "Until the Gas Runs Out" by Seeimagery (@seeimagery)

I am in love with this mixed media collage. 

I am drawn to the layers of newsprint that is somehow behind and in front of the subjects in the base photograph. The attention to detail that was required to create this piece blows me away. 

5. "Melika" by Elnaz (@elnaztaassob)

Elnaz’s portrait work is absolutely stunning.

She has mastered the use of light and shadows to create compelling pieces of photography. 

4. "The Rust" by Raven (@Raven_slb)

Raven created this intriguing piece by collaging pictures of old doors with photos of human figures. 

The effect is fantastic. It is a delight to study the various textures and colors. 

3. "Dargavs, North Odessa" by Margarita Akimova (@Margarita190971)

Margarita explained her piece in detail on Twitter, “Dargavs is a 700-year-old necropolis city. Shrouded in a halo of secrets and legends, it has 95 multi-tiered crypts, in which about 10 thousand people rest. Through their narrow windows in the masonry, you can see human remains and mummies. Such an unusual method of burial is associated with the economy of fertile lands, of which there are not so many. The rocky, windswept slope of the Alans was perfectly adapted for the construction of tombs. One of them says: “Look at us with love. We were like you, you will be like us.”

2. "Blue Men" by Sebnem Ugaz (@semantik23)

“Blue Men” is delightfully mysterious. We only see the shadows of the men on the stairs. We don’t know who they are, where they are headed, or what they are up to.

This image invites my mind to wander and build a story. 

1. "Solitude" by Sherry Toflex (@ArtToFlex)

Sherry’s illustration style is mysterious and throught provoking.

The negative space allows the viewer to use their own imagination to fill in the story of the piece. 


photo of a woman holding a camera, surrounded by sunflowers

MEET Lauren McDonagh-Pereira

Lauren McDonagh-Pereira is a photographer from Massachusetts, USA. She captures the beauty of the world around her, favoring Nikon cameras and lenses. She is drawn to shooting landscapes, wildlife, nature, and people authentically enjoying life.